Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Secrets of List Mission (part 30)

November 3, 2008

(Dedicated to Busby SEO Test)

Secret 10 – Write Down Testimonials

This is a huge means of making our name and our website approximately the web. As well as, just for the reason that we’re further well-known with webmasters inquiring for testimonials than we are public volunteering them, doesn’t stand for to declare we can’t obtain much extra traffic and credit by doing that.

As a result here’s what should we do: locate 3 or 4 sophisticated products in our business and be introduced to them. Ensure we actually like what they perform, and after that write down a testimonial. Other than don’t just write down it, documentation it in our audio-format as well therefore we are able to send an MP3, and contain a picture in the filled package we give it to them. Just confirm our name and our website becomes visible at the underneath of our testimonial.

They’ll be appreciative to us for captivating the moment and they won’t use it. Our website will illustrate additional traffic from its extra experience, and if we’ve selected the products fine, this may possibly drastically boost our registers.

to be continue…

(for more reviews, please feel free to visit, give opinions and critiques on…  List Building and BBusby SEO Test

Secrets of List Mission (part 29)

November 2, 2008

(Dedicated to Busby SEO Test)

Secret 9 – Utilize Tell-a-Friend Forms for Viral Enlargement

The plan here is to cover a message box (frequently pre-filled by means of a message we’ve written) with a sequence of text boxes for incoming the names and emails of friends.

There are several tell-a-friend forms and programs accessible for this idea. Doing a search in Google for “tell-a-friend” will expose the majority newly accessible.  However once more, for a fine service, we’ll necessitate to establish whether to go with a one time charge or pay for the monthly service.

The favorite one, for a spontaneous 1-time-fee answer, is ReferThemPro, it is most user friendly and simply customizable.

to be continue…

(for more reviews, please feel free to visit, give opinions and critiques on…  List Building and Busby SEO Test

Banjaran – Bandung, 18-19 Agustus, 2007

September 21, 2007

Sing Some Songs


Baru kami mulai asyik memperhatikan dan ‘ngerepotin’ tim support dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ‘ingin tahu lagi ngapain’..tiba-tiba bu guru menghilang..dan 5 menit kemudian mengalun nada-nada merdu piano dari ruang tamu. Kami bertiga sempet bingung, kayaknya gak ada yang datengin orkes dangdut deh,, mas yudi yang akhirnya tersadar lebih dulu langsung keluar ruangan kerja tim support yang segera kami ikuti. Di ruang tamu itu, yang juga ‘arena bermain’ tim support, aku lihat bu guru sedang tersenyum-senyum kepada kami sambil menyenandungkan nada-nada lagu, ditingkahi alunan suara piano yang dihasilkan tarian jari-jari mungilnya. mas Yudi langsung meraih guitar listrik yang ada gak jauh dari situ, dan mulai mengiringi bu guru bermain musik. Trus bu guru pindah maen drum, bak…buk…bak…bukk…eh salah ding bunyinya gak kayak gitu… Mas Arief langsung nyanyi deh dengan suara yang gak jelas… Trus ganti formasi, bu guru balik ke piano, mas Arief drum, mas yudi gitar… Kacau beliau deh, untung ruangannya kedap suara..kalo gak bisa digerebek hansip..Hehehehe… Trus bu guru Ahira punya ide, gimana kalo di videoin, trus dikirim ke ‘YouTube’? Trus orang yang mau liat, musti bayar $1..hehehe. Dasar otak bisnis…Jadi deh di videoin, aku pegang drum…mas yudi gitar, mas arif pegang tembok, maksudnya nyanyi sambil nyandar ke tembok..halah…Bu guru jadi kameramen…Aurora jadi cheerleader dehh… La..lala…laaaa….Kayaknya kalo dibikin rekaman, grup kita bakal dapet dobel platinum deh, tapi di bidang musik ‘abstrak’ (bingung juga yg pas itu apa ya istilahnya, abisnya kaga jelas alirannya apa)….kikikkkikikk…


Trusssssss, maen pingpong lagi bentarrrr…

Hello world!

September 21, 2007

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